Tuesday 4 December 2012

The 3 Types of Foot Strikes: Pronation, Supination, and Neutral

Did you know that the way you walk may affect the overall health of your feet? Everybody walks a little different, and the way your foot lands on the ground, or “strikes” the ground when you step, can really help or hinder your ability to walk or run long distances. Knowing your foot strike will help you get the right shoes and equipment to ensure you have happy feet.

Type 1: Pronation

The first type of foot strike is called Pronation. If you have ever been caught “flat-footed,” then you have been caught pronating. Pronation occurs when your arch flattens on your strike, causing your foot and ankle to roll inward. This causes stress on the ankles and can create shin splints and cause other lower leg issues. A quick way to tell if you over pronate is by checking how the soles of your shoes wear out. If they are worn out on the inside of the sole, then it is likely that you are a pronator.

Type 2: Supination

The second type of strike is called Supination. If you guessed it is the opposite of pronation, than you’re absolutely right. Supination is when, instead of being flat-footed, you have high arches. When your foot strikes the ground, much of the cushion of the foot is lost. The foot doesn’t flatten at all on impact, and there is little shock absorption. The affect is an outward roll and can cause plantar fasciitis, ankle sprains, and other foot and leg injuries.

Type 3: Neutral

A Neutral foot strike occurs when you neither over pronate nor supinate. It is when the foot strikes in an effective, efficient manner and typically leads to the least amount of injuries while running or walking.

Which Type Are You?

So which type are you? A popular (and easy) way to test which strike you have is the “Wet Test.” You can do this at home, and it only takes some water, paper, and about five minutes of your time.

First, lay out the paper; a dark color often works best. Try a brown paper bag from your local grocery store. Get the bottom of your foot wet by stepping in a bowl or pan of water or your bathtub. Then step onto the paper and step off. Examine your wet footprint. Based on the amount of foot print you see, you will be able to tell your strike. If much of the sole of your foot is visible – almost like it was flat – then you are a pronator. If the opposite holds true, and just the outside edge of your sole appears, then you are likely a supinator. If it looks to be well balanced, you probably have an efficient neutral strike.

You can always trust the professionals. Any running store employee worth their paycheck should be able to help you determine how your foot lands. Also, a podiatrist or other foot care professional can help make the determination. By knowing which type of foot you have, you can ensure that you have the proper shoes and orthotics to avoid pain and discomfort. Your feet with be a lot happier.

Monday 3 December 2012

The Battle Against Stinky Feet

The Battle Against Stinky Feet
Chances are somebody you know or love suffers from stinky feet. You can hardly blame them. Did you know that between your two feet there are nearly half a million sweat glands? But your feet aren’t alone.

For example, the palms of your hands have a comparable number of tiny, sweaty pores. So why don’t our hands get that same yucky odor? Three words: Shoes and socks. Imagine those ½ a million pores on our feet, wrapped in cotton and leather, all tied up nice and tight. Naturally, with those soggy socks and sweaty toes comes inevitable odor. You might be interested to know, however, that the sweat from your feet is actually odorless.

Bacteria are really what cause the smells. Bacteria will thrive in between your toes and around the soles of your feet and are held captive by your shoes and socks. The smell starts to form when the bacteria digests the sweat. Some describe it as a sour smell or like malt vinegar or limburger cheese. Others, like my wife, describe it simply as “gross” and “unacceptable.”

So how do we battle the foot odor? Either get rid of the sweat, or get rid of the bacteria.

Here are some effective ways to cut down on foot sweat:
  • In-soles: There are a number of sweat-reducing insoles available to purchase. These are often times charcoal based, and they suck the sweat right up.
  • Ventilated Shoes: Wearing sandals or other open toed shoes open up air flow and reduce sweat.
  • Sweat-Absorbing Socks: By wearing new, clean cotton socks, you can actually reduce sweat as the cotton acts as an absorbent.
  • Air Out Your Shoes: Take some time each day to remove your shoes and socks to let your feet dry out and enjoy some air.
  • Antiperspirants: Yep, you can even apply an antiperspirant to your feet.
Here are some proven methods to reduce bacteria on your feet:
  • Use antibacterial soap on your feet to keep them clean.
  • Be sure to frequently rotate your socks and make sure they are always clean as well.
  • Wear a variety of different shoes and rotate them frequently.
If these measures are ineffective and the odor persists, then it’s probably time to consult a doctor. He or she may have other suggestions or prescriptions that could help reduce those offensive odors.

Sunday 2 December 2012

Do Women Get Cold Feet More than Men?

We’ve all heard the expression, but this isn’t about your wedding day or your job interview. It’s about those literal blocks of ice at the end of your legs.

Do Women Get Cold Feet More than Men?

Dr. Robert J. Faux and the good people at Foot Scientific can’t help you when it comes to fear of commitments, but they sure can help you combat distal hypothermia (getting those little piggies warmer).

According to Dr. Faux, cold feet is among the most common foot complaint. This is often NOT because there is anything wrong or cold with your body but because your strong, warm heart is so far away from your feet.

However, there are general medical issues that can be problematic, and if so, the following conditions should be explored:
  • A poor circulation condition such as atherosclerosis
  • Disorders of the nervous system
  • Low thyroid condition
Now if you are a woman reading this, you probably won’t be surprised to find that you are nine times more likely than a man to develop cold in your extremities. Consider these theories:
  • Women’s bodies generally favor blood supply for internal insulation, while men’s muscle mass is more heat generating, having better supplied blood vessels in general.
  • On the other hand, women’s skin is thinner at the feet than men’s skin, having less subcutaneous insulation.
  • Women can more easily suffer from iron deficiency. Iron carries oxygen in the blood and its lack can challenge blood flow.
  • Women have less water than men as a percentage.
If you are aging, Dr. Greg Anderson, Podiatrist, reminds us to consider these factors:
  • Blood flows through us with less dynamic force.
  • Capillaries to the skin are less developed.
  • Nutrition is not as well processed which causes breakdowns in skin circulation.

7 Hot Tips for 10 Cold Toes

We all get older, and half of us are women. Now what?
  1. Shoes - Dr. Faux emphasizes how much good can come from simply choosing the right shoes. You know how those tight-toed shoes feel colder? That’s simply a circulation issue.
  2. Socks - Natural fibers that are not as tightly woven as synthetics can hold the warm air around your feet better than the thinner socks. Also, change your sock more often. Your feet quickly create moisture, and dry socks are, of course, warmer socks.
  3. Hydration – You would most likely benefit by drinking a lot more water than you do. Your toes will thank you for the increased circulation pressure and delivery of nutrients and warmth.
  4. Water Bowl/Water Massager - Electric blankets: Nice. Battery heated slippers: VERY nice (3volt.net).
  5. Wear a Hat – As funny as it seems, a lot of people say wearing a warm hat helps their feet stay warm as well. We know that overall body temperature is effected by a good hat given much of our body heat is lost from our heads running at 10,000 jigawats of brain power.
  6. Lotions or Ointments - Some lotions or ointments create a bit of a tingle, but they do help. You might want to check out lanolin.
  7. Get Those Feet Moving – Exercise expands capillary growth to the extremities as blood is forced to create expanded channels while you’re moving around. Even with these tips work or not, Dr. Faux suggests that you seek medical attention if you notice any changes in color, sores or ulcers, or any unexplained pain in your feet.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Diabetes Can Knock You off Your Feet

Diabetes can cause problems that can affect your feet.Good foot care can help people with diabetes to avoid foot problems. Take care of your feet, get regular check-ups from your doctor or feel free to contact FootScientific through phone, or email using the details found on this page. 

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004

Phone: (801) 642-2084

Email: store@footscientific.com

Site: http://www.footscientific.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FootScientific?

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FootScientific



Diabetes Can Knock You off Your Feet

Diabetes can cause problems that can affect your feet.Good foot care can help people with diabetes to avoid foot problems. Take care of your feet, get regular check-ups from your doctor or feel free to contact FootScientific through phone, or email using the details found on this page.

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Site: http://www.footscientific.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FootScientific?
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FootScientific
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/footscientific?


Monday 29 October 2012

Plantar Fibroma Information and Treatment - FootScientific

Dr. J. Robert Faux explains Plantar Fibromas and how to live with/treat them.

For more information on other foot conditions, visit www.footscientific.com.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact FootScientific:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FootScientific?
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FootScientific

Peroneal Tendonitis Information and Treatment - FootScientific

Dr. J. Robert Faux explains Peroneal Tendonitis and how to live with/treat it.

For more information on other foot conditions, visit www.footscientific.com.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact FootScientific:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FootScientific?
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FootScientific

Midfoot Arthritis Information and Treatment - FootScientific

Dr. J. Robert Faux explains Midfoot Arthritis and how to live with/treat it.

For more information on other foot conditions, visit www.footscientific.com.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact FootScientific:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FootScientific?
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FootScientific

Metatarsalgia Information and Treatment - FootScientific

Dr. J. Robert Faux explains Metatarsalgia (pain in the forefoot) and how to live with/treat it.

For more information on other foot conditions, visit www.footscientific.com.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact FootScientific:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FootScientific?
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FootScientific

Mallet Toe Information and Treatment - FootScientific

Dr. J. Robert Faux explains Mallet Toes and how to live with/treat them.

For more information on other foot conditions, visit www.footscientific.com.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact FootScientific:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FootScientific?
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FootScientific

Hammer Toe Information and Treatment - FootScientific

Dr. J. Robert Faux explains Hammer Toes and how to live with/treat them.

For more information on other foot conditions, visit www.footscientific.com.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact FootScientific:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FootScientific?
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FootScientific

Hallux Limitus Information and Treatment - FootScientific

Dr. J. Robert Faux explains Hallux Limitus/Hallux Rigidus and how to treat it.

For more information on other foot conditions, visit www.footscientific.com.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact FootScientific:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FootScientific?
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FootScientific

Haglund's Deformity Information and Treatment - FootScientific

Dr. J. Robert Faux explains Haglund’s Deformity, a bony enlargement on the back of the heel, as well as how to treat it.

For more information on other foot conditions, visit www.footscientific.com.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact FootScientific:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FootScientific?
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FootScientific

Drop Foot Information and Treatment - FootScientific

Dr. J. Robert Faux explains Drop Foot and how to live with/treat it. Visithttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjzEcBeC_fk to learn about the Elevate Drop Foot brace that Dr. Faux and FootMind, Inc. have created.

For more information on other foot conditions, visit www.footscientific.com.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact FootScientific:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FootScientific?
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FootScientific

Cracked Skin on the Feet Information and Treatment - FootScientific

Dr. J. Robert Faux explains cracked skin that occurs on the feet as well as how to treat it.

For more information on other foot conditions, visit www.footscientific.com.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact FootScientific:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FootScientific?
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FootScientific

Corns and Calluses Information and Treatment - FootScientific

Dr. J. Robert Faux explains corns and calluses that form on the feet as well as how to treat them.

For more information on other foot conditions, visit www.footscientific.com.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact FootScientific:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FootScientific?
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FootScientific

Elevate Drop Foot Brace - FootScientific

Dr. Rob Faux, an orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon, talks about a drop foot brace he helped FootMind, Inc. design called Elevate.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact FootScientific:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Site: http://www.footscientific.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FootScientific?
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FootScientific

Thursday 25 October 2012

The Truth Behind Diabetes

symptoms of drop foot,ankle arthritis, ball of foot pain, Diabetic Foot, Pronation, High Arches


Early discovery of diabetes increases the chances of maintaining a productive and healthy life even with the disease.


Peripheral Neuropathy

symptoms of drop foot,ankle arthritis, ball of foot pain, Diabetic Foot, Pronation, High Arches


Peripheral neuropathy usually starts with numbness, painful or itchy in the toes or fingers.



The Truth Behind Diabetes

symptoms of drop foot,ankle arthritis, ball of foot pain, Diabetic Foot, Pronation, High Arches FootScientific

Early discovery of diabetes increases the chances of maintaining a productive and healthy life even with the disease.

Resources : http://www.socks4life.com/resources/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Diabetes_Info_Graphic.jpg

Peripheral Neuropathy

symptoms of drop foot,ankle arthritis, ball of foot pain, Diabetic Foot, Pronation, High Arches FootScientific

Peripheral neuropathy usually starts with numbness, painful or itchy in the toes or fingers.

Resources : http://www.healthlight.us/infrared-therapy-blog/bid/153305/Peripheral-Neuropathy-infographic-poster-for-you-to-read-and-share

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Dorsal Night Splint

Dorsal Night Splint by footscientific
Dorsal Night Splint, a photo by footscientific on Flickr.
Effective treatment for Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis, and other soft tissue injuries.http://www.footscientific.com/ankle-1/braces/dorsal-night-splint.html

Pneumatic Ankle Stirrups

Treats mild to moderate sprains, strains, prevents injury from athletic evens, and offers post cast support. www.footscientific.com/ankle-1/braces/pneumatic-ankle-sti...

Motion Pro Ankle Brace

Motion Pro Ankle Brace by footscientific
Motion Pro Ankle Brace, a photo by footscientific on Flickr.
Great for Athletics, early treatment of early phase Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD), Achilles tendonopathy, and other sports applications. www.footscientific.com/ankle-1/braces/motion-pro-ankle-br...

Lace-Up Ankle Brace

Lace-Up Ankle Brace by footscientific
Lace-Up Ankle Brace, a photo by footscientific on Flickr.
Treats mild to moderate sprains, strains, prevents injury from athletic evens, and offers post cast support. www.footscientific.com/ankle-1/braces/lace-up-ankle-brace...

Posterior Night Splint

Posterior Night Splint by footscientific
Posterior Night Splint, a photo by footscientific on Flickr.
Provides for a comfortable and gradual stretch of the Plantar Fascia and Achilles Tendon.http://www.footscientific.com/ankle-1/braces/posterior-night-splint.html

The NEW Ovation Non-Pneumatic Walker Boot

Ultra Low Profile, Ultra Low Weight, Available In Different Sole Colors and Boot Height, Intuitive Edgeless sole delivers 3-dimensional gait and easy pivoting. www.footscientific.com/ankle-1/walking-boots/the-new-ovat...

The NEW Ovation Pneumatic Walker Boot

Ultra Low Profile, Ultra Low Weight, Available In Different Sole Colors and Boot Height, Intuitive Edgeless sole delivers 3-dimensional gait and easy pivoting. www.footscientific.com/ankle-1/walking-boots/ovation-pneu...

Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. J. Robert Faux, M.D.

Greg R. Thorpe M.P.T., A.P.T. - FootScientific Alpine, UT

Foot Scientific's Greg R. Thorpe M.P.T., A.P.T.

Orthopedic SurgeonDr. J. Robert Faux, M.D.

Foot Scientific's Dr. Greg S. Anderson D.P.M.

Foot Scientific Logo - FootScientific Alpine, UT

Dr. Greg S. Anderson D.P.M. of Foot Scientific

Foot Scientific Website Banner



The Barefoot Professor

The Barefoot Professor a video by footscientific on Flickr.

Ankle Balance and Stability Exercises

Ankle Balance and Stability Exercises Part 2

Ankle Strengthening Exercise with Rubber-Band

Home Remedies for Hammer Toes

Revisions of Hammer Toes


Adjustable ankle weights used in the strengthening and rehabilitation of the foot. www.footscientific.com/foot-products/adjustable-ankle-wei...


HaPad heel pads used for pain assistance in the heel as well as preventative to the formation of heel calluses. www.footscientific.com/foot-products/hapad-medial-lateral...


Pad gently compresses as you stand on it. Easy to clean. Multifunctional use. Closed-cell structure; impervious to water. Applies to balance training, coordination and reaction training, posture stability training, conditioning, motor-skill training to maintain balance. www.footscientific.com/foot-products/airex-balance-pad-bl...


FOAM ROLLER by footscientific
FOAM ROLLER, a photo by footscientific on Flickr.

Foam rollers are used in the stretching, extension of movement, and the rehabilitation of the ankle joints and the surrounding tendons. High-density, molded-foam technology retains shape after heavy use. Lasts longer than traditional foam rollers. www.footscientific.com/foot-products/foam-half-roller-1.html


FOAM HALF ROLLER by footscientific
FOAM HALF ROLLER, a photo by footscientific on Flickr.

Foam rollers are used in the stretching, extension of movement, and the rehabilitation of the ankle joints and the surrounding tendons. High-density, molded-foam technology retains shape after heavy use. Lasts longer than traditional foam rollers. www.footscientific.com/foot-products/foam-half-roller.html


Used to soothe interdigital irritations Absorbs pressure and relieves between-toe friction, chafing or soft corns Helps maintain proper toe alignment after surgery Three layers of soft PolyFoam" provide maximum comfort and durability Washable and economical 12 per pack. www.footscientific.com/foot-products/3-layer-toe-separato...


Helps reduce foot calluses and corns. Keeps feet soft and smooth.


Gel Toe Sleeves for painful corns and callused toes. These sleeves are designed to comfortably separate the toe for relief from friction between the toes and against shoes. 10 pack.

Diabetic Foot

Diabetic Foot a video by footscientific on Flickr.

Dr. Dave McKenzie is a podiatrist in Utah that tells us the alarming statistics that are associated with diabetes and the feet.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.
Contact Us:
Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Site: footscientific.com/

Should You Get Surgery for Your Hammer Toes_

Dr. J. Robert Faux is an Orthopedic Surgeon specializing in surgery of the foot and ankle. This includes hammer toe surgeries. If you are questioning whether or not to pursue surgery for your hammer toes, this video will educate you on the pros and cons of the surgery as well as when it is absolutely necessary.

For more information on hammer toes and surgical procedures as well as other foot conditions, visit:

Final Animation FuseRight Hammer Toe Fusion Reamer

Final Animation FuseRight Hammer Toe Fusion Reamer


Green formula Helps to control and reduce pain 4% Mentol Organic ingredients (organic Ilex, Aloe and Arnica, Vitamin E and Tea Tree Oil Greaseless with a vanishin scent 32-oz. bottle with pump.



BIOFREEZE by footscientific
BIOFREEZE, a photo by footscientific on Flickr.

Pain relief with the benefits of cryotherapy to treat athletic and muscle related injuries, sore or strained muscles, shoulder and arm discomfort, neck, hip and leg pain, back pain, painful joints, ankle or foot pain, and pain associated with bruising, and arthritis.



Provides the benefits of Epsom salt without taking a bath Reduces inflammation to relieve pain and muscle cramps Helps muscles and nerves function properly Apply greaseless formula onto desired area for immediate pain relief, and massage thoroughly to absorb into the skin Safe and effective; can be applied as often as needed Recommended by many health care professionals and chiropractors for pain relief between visits 10-oz. bottle Foot Lotion.



hydrisalicgel by footscientific
hydrisalicgel, a photo by footscientific on Flickr.

Hydrisalic®Gel Used to treat calluses; aids in the exfoliation of dry, scaly skin 1 oz.



Formulated with pure aloe vera Fast-acting, penetrating gel Gives quick, cool relief to minor aches, arthritic pain, sore muscles and joints; and minor sprains and strains Excellent coupling gel for ultrasound 15-oz. Bottle with Aloe.



Cap with Dispenser Pump.



Ideal product for peripheral neuropathy sufferers Offers great benefits to those suffering the needles, pin pricks, numbness and deep-seated itch in the extremeties associated with neuropathy Also will help control foot odor and the burning itch of athlete’s foot when used on a regular basis 8 oz.



With ilex, menthol 3.5%, camphor 0.2%, PUREFLEX glucosamine, boswellia serrata, curcumin, aloe, OptiMSM and vitamin E Greaseless, stainless and has no lingering odor Effects last for several hours for the temporary relief of pain 4-oz. tube or jar.



With ilex, menthol 3.5%, camphor 0.2%, PUREFLEX glucosamine, boswellia serrata, curcumin, aloe, OptiMSM and vitamin E Greaseless, stainless and has no lingering odor Effects last for several hours for the temporary relief of pain Pump.



Helps to control and reduce pain 4% Mentol Organic ingredients (organic Ilex, Aloe and Arnica, Vitamin E and Tea Tree Oil Greaseless with a vanishin scent.



Clear formula Helps to control and reduce pain 4% Menthol Organic ingredients (organic Ilex, Aloe and Arnica, Vitamin E and Tea Tree Oil Grease-less with a vanishing scent 7.5-oz. bottle with pump.



Clear formula Helps to control and reduce pain 4% Menthol Organic ingredients (organic Ilex, Aloe and Arnica, Vitamin E and Tea Tree Oil Grease-less with a vanishing scent 32-oz. bottle with pump.



Green formula Helps to control and reduce pain 4% Mentol Organic ingredients (organic Ilex, Aloe and Arnica, Vitamin E and Tea Tree Oil Greaseless with a vanishin scent 7.5-oz. bottle with pump.



Green formula Helps to control and reduce pain 4% Mentol Organic ingredients (organic Ilex, Aloe and Arnica, Vitamin E and Tea Tree Oil Greaseless with a vanishin scent 16-oz. bottle with pump.


Wednesday 19 September 2012

What Foot and Ankle Surgeons Do? - FootScientific

Foot and ankle surgeons are orthopedic surgeons who provide you with the most up-to-date
and comprehensive treatment. Orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeons work with physicians of
many other specialties, including internal medicine, pediatrics, vascular surgery, endocrinology,
radiology, anesthesiology, and others.

Orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeons use medical, physical, and rehabilitative methods to
treat patients of all ages. They perform reconstructive procedures, treat sports injuries, and
manage and treat trauma of the foot and ankle. Some orthopaedic surgeons perform a range
of operations including hip and knee replacement, arthroscopy of the knee, repairing a slipped
disk in the back and repairing bone fractures.

When you have an orthopedic problem, you'll want to get the best doctor possible to increase
your chances of successful treatment. There are likely to be many orthopaedic doctors in your
general area, so it can be difficult to narrow down your choices. You'll need to consider several
factors, such as the doctor's location, whether you were referred to him by another doctor, and
whether he is covered by your insurance, before making your final choice.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact FootScientific:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Site: footscientific.com

Ankle Arthritis - FootScientific

Ankle arthritis is commonly the result of either a direct injury into the joint such as an ankle fracture or the result of a long standing and symptomatic ankle instability.

 It is not widely known that arthritis can affect the ankle. Although, the ankle is much less likely to be involved with arthritis than the hip or knee, it is still very common to be affected. This holds true for ankle problems associated with osteoarthritis.

 Most ankle arthritis occurs following trauma to the ankle, so patients who have suffered severe ankle sprains or fractures in the ankle or the talus can develop post-traumatic arthritis. Other causes are due to normal degenerative changes much like people experience in the hip or knee joint.

 The ankle joint is affected by arthritis much less often than other joints. When patients have ankle arthritis, they have worn out the joint between the shin bone and ankle bone. When the ankle is injured, it is also susceptible to an injury called osteonecrosis. When osteonecrosis occurs as the result of an ankle injury, a portion of the bone has damage to its blood flow.

 If you are experiencing pain in your ankle but have not had any recent trauma or injury to your ankle, you may likely have arthritis of the ankle. Speak to your doctor about this at your next appointment and allow him to perform an examination and diagnostic testing.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact FootScientific:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Site: footscientific.com

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Diabetic Foot

Dr. Dave McKenzie is a podiatrist in Utah that tells us the alarming statistics that are associated with diabetes and the feet.

About FootScientific

FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website - FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact Us:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084
Email: store@footscientific.com
Site: footscientific.com/

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Talar Dome Fracture - Foot Scientific

The Talus bone is the highest bone in your ankle and connects to your leg’s Tibia and Fibula bones. The Talus bone is vital when it comes to movement and balance. The sites where the top of the Talus bone connects to the Tibia and Fibula bone are referred to as the Talar Dome.

The top of the Talus bone is covered in a rubbery substance called cartilage. This protects the bones from scraping together and causing pain. The cartilage also makes sure your ankle joint moves smoothly.

Complications arise when the force of a blow damages the bone under the cartilage. As time passes the injured bone may collapse under the cartilage and over time can detach, float away, and become stuck in the ankle joint.

Read More: What causes a Talar Dome Fracture? 

Contact Information

165 West Canyon Crest Road
Alpine, UT
Phone: (801) 642 - 2084
For questions regarding products, payments, and order information please contact:
Website: http://www.footscientific.com

Subtalar Arthritis - Foot Scientific

Subtalar Arthritis is generally categorized as pain in the hindfoot. The subtalar joint is the joint that lets you rotate your foot back and forth and bend it back and forth. Patients who suffer from Subtalar Arthritis will feel pain when walking or moving the ankle. 

What causes Subtalar Arthritis?

Subtalar Arthritis is usually caused by a fracture in the foot, usually the heel bone. It can also be caused by excessive wear and tear on the joints resulting from too much activity.

Read More: http://www.footscientific.com/subtalar-arthritis/

165 West Canyon Crest Road
Alpine, UT
Phone: (801) 642 - 2084
For questions regarding products, payments, and order information please contact:
Website: http://www.footscientific.com

Posterior Tibial Tendonitis - Foot Scientific

The Posterior Tibial Tendon runs from your calf muscles, behind your inside ankle bone, and attaches underneath the navicular bone (the bone in the middle of your foot), which gives your arch support. When the Posterior Tibial Tendon becomes weak or loose your arch can collapse which leads to pain and flatfoot.

 Contact Information

165 West Canyon Crest Road
Alpine, UT
Phone: (801) 642 - 2084
For questions regarding products, payments, and order information please contact:
Website: http://www.footscientific.com