Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Talar Dome Fracture - Foot Scientific

The Talus bone is the highest bone in your ankle and connects to your leg’s Tibia and Fibula bones. The Talus bone is vital when it comes to movement and balance. The sites where the top of the Talus bone connects to the Tibia and Fibula bone are referred to as the Talar Dome.

The top of the Talus bone is covered in a rubbery substance called cartilage. This protects the bones from scraping together and causing pain. The cartilage also makes sure your ankle joint moves smoothly.

Complications arise when the force of a blow damages the bone under the cartilage. As time passes the injured bone may collapse under the cartilage and over time can detach, float away, and become stuck in the ankle joint.

Read More: What causes a Talar Dome Fracture? 

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